1: Flaxseeds - High in fiber and Omega-3 fatty acids, flaxseeds promote healthy digestion and relief from constipation.

2: Chia Seeds - Packed with fiber and antioxidants, chia seeds help regulate bowel movements and improve gut health.

3: Psyllium Husk - Known for its laxative effect, psyllium husk softens stool and promotes regularity in bowel movements.

4: Sunflower Seeds - Rich in fiber and magnesium, sunflower seeds support healthy digestion and alleviate constipation symptoms.

5: Pumpkin Seeds - Loaded with fiber and essential nutrients, pumpkin seeds aid in relieving constipation and promoting digestive health.

6: Sesame Seeds - Filled with fiber and healthy fats, sesame seeds help improve gut health and prevent constipation.

7: Hemp Seeds - High in fiber and protein, hemp seeds support digestion and help alleviate constipation naturally.

8: Poppy Seeds - Rich in fiber and minerals, poppy seeds aid in relieving constipation and promoting regular bowel movements.

9: Safflower Seeds - Packed with fiber and omega-6 fatty acids, safflower seeds improve digestion and help alleviate constipation.


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